Dear fellow anglers and friends. For the third time EFSA Iceland welcome you to Iceland for the European Species Championship in May 2021 in Olafsvik, West-Iceland.
Our first was the European Species Championship 2007 in the Westman Islands where we fished for four species, Ling, Catfish, Tusk and Haddock. Our second was in 2014 in Olafsvik where we targeted big Cod on 15 boats with 81 anglers from 12 Sections. The total number of Cods accounted for was 3.516.
In this European Species Championship, we will be targeting big Cod and Coalfish. We will fish from the same fishing banks as in 2014 and the fishing is unlimited. The point system is divided into four length categories: 35 cm to 55 cm, 56 cm to 75 cm, 76 cm to 100 cm and over 101 cm.
The weather in Iceland in May can be windy and cold so remember to bring with you some warm cloths and boots. I am sure that you will enjoy your stay in Iceland and in Olafsvik and I and all our members look very much forward to see you.
Helgi Bergsson
Chairman EFSA Iceland
UPDATE: 16 september 2022
European Species Championship 2022
Olafsvik May 2022.
Newsletter no. 1. Issued on 16th September 2021
Entry fee and closing date of entry: Entry fee is ISK 50.000. Bait included. Pre-Registration before 5 th January 2022 and payment of entry fee before 31st March 2022. Price for Gala Dinner is ISK 7.000.
The rate of exchange: On 14 th of September 2021 the rate of exchange for the Icelandic krona was approx. 1 € = 151 ISK krona and 1 £ Sterling = 177 ISK krona.
The Organizing Committee and e-mails: Helgi Bergsson Chairman,, Thorir Sveinsson Secretary,, Hersir Gíslason Cashier,, Sigurjon H Hjelm,, Björg Guðlaugsdóttir, The fishing spots. We will be fishing from the fishing banks near Olafsvik and the Snæfellsnes peninsula.
Fish to catch: Cod and Coalfish. Other fish do not count for points.
The fishing: All the good size fish must be killed by bleeding. You will be provided with a bucket for your fish. The skipper will bleed the fish, the Crew measure and the Fish captain writes down on the Scorecard. After that put the fish into the common box. If you got a record fish or if it is your personal record, you can tag it and bring it in for measuring.
Bait: We will use Herring and/or Mackerel.
Teams: It is free of charge to register into teams. Your Secretary will register your Section’s teams in due course.
Tackle shop: There is no tackle shop in Olafsvik.
Clothing: It can be cold and windy in May in Iceland. Bring with you your warm cloths and boots.
Spouse tour: There will be no spouse tour organized by the Organizing Committee. But there are many places near Olafsvik worth visiting.
EFSA uniform: You must wear EFSA uniform at the Opening Ceremony, the Prize giving Ceremony and the Gala dinner.
UPDATE: 28 februari 2021
Dear EFSA members.
Due to travel restrictions in Europe because of the Covid-19 crises, the
Organizing Committee and the Board of EFSA Iceland
decided to cancel the
European Species Championship to be held in Olafsvik Iceland May 20th-22nd
Many EFSA Sections announced that their members will not be able to
travel in
May due to the crises and therefore very few anglers outside of
Iceland can attend the Championship.
EFSA Iceland will send to EFSA HQ an
application to hold the European Species Championship next year
(2022) in
May in Olafsvik targeting Cod and Coalfish.
Best regards
Thorir Sveinsson, EFSA Iceland Secretary.
Entry fee and closing date of entry: Entry fee is ISK 45.000. Bait included. Registration before 28th February 2021.
Price for Gala Dinner is ISK 7.000. If you want to have a Word entry form, please contact
Sveinsson ( and he will send it to you in an e-mail.
The rate of exchange. On 1st of October the rate of exchange for the Icelandic krona was approx. 1 € = 163
ISK krona and 1 £ Sterling = 180 ISK krona.
The boats:
We will be using small fast boats and on each there will be 3-6 anglers.
The fishing spots: We will be fishing from the fishing banks near Olafsvik and the Snæfellsness peninsula.
Fish to catch: Cod and Coalfish. Unlimited fishing. Other
fish do not count for points.
Point system: Cod and Coalfish of 35-55 cm = 1 points each fish, 56-75 cm = 4 points, 76-100 cm = 15 points and >101 cm = 50 points. All other fish 0 point.
The fishing: All the good size fish must be killed by bleeding. You will be provided with a bucket for your fish. The skipper will bleed the fish, the Crew measure and the Fish captain writes down on the Scorecard. After that, put the fish into the common box. If you got a record fish or if it is your personal record you can tag it and bring it in for measuring.
We will use Blue eye and/or Mackerel for bait.
Practice Boats: We do not know if practice boats prior to the Championship will
be available as each year the rules for the quota fishing for small boats is decided just few months before each year’s fishing. Because of this the skippers cannot promise us now a rental for practice fishing. More info later.
Fishing rules: See below.
Teams: It is free of charge to register into teams. Your Secretary will register your Section’s teams in due course.
Tackle shop: There is no tackle shop in Olafsvik, In Reykjavik there are some: Veidiportid, Grandavegur 3 101 Reykjavik, Vesturrost Laugavegur 178 105 Reykjavik, Veidihornid Síðumúli 8 108 Reykjavik and Veidimaðurinn, Krókhálsi 4 110 Reykjavik.
Clothing: It can be cold and windy in May in Iceland. Bring with you your warm cloths and boots.
EFSA uniform: You must wear EFSA uniform at the Prize giving Ceremony and at the Gala dinner.
Accommodation in the Snæfellsnes peninsula
See the website:
In Olafsvik:
Náttskjól Brautarholt 2,
Gisting & Gallerí Brautarholt, 7
Heimagisting Skálh. Skálholti 6
Við Hafið Guesthouse Ólafsbraut 55
Hotel Olafsvik Ólafsbraut 20 hotel
Welcome Hótel Klettsbúð 9, Hellissandur tel. 00 354 487 1212
In Grundarfjordur:
Kirkjufell Hotel, Nesvegur 6,
Grund Guesthouse,
Kirkjufell Guesthouse,
Hellnafell Guesthous,
Grundarfjördur Bed & Breksfast
All boats must be in harbor 19:00 Days results displayed
Saturday 22 May Cod and Coalfish 06:30 – 16:00 Same as Friday
19:00 Days results displayed 20:00 Presentation of awards 21:00 Gala Dinner
The times and programme are subject to alteration at the discretion of the Organizing Committee
The European Species Championship 2021 will be held from Olafsvik, West-Iceland from 20th May to 22nd May. EFSA Iceland will not issue a brochure for the Championship but instead issue a regular Newsletter that will be sent out to all the Sections and published on EFSA Iceland and EFSA HQ websites,, and on Facebook.
Information Entry fee and closing date of entry: Entry fee is ISK 45.000. Bait included. Registration before 28th February 2021. Price for Gala Dinner not decided. If you want to have the entry form on Word form please contact Thorir Sveinsson and he will sent it to you by e-mail. The rate of exchange. On 10th of July the rate of exchange for the Icelandic krona was approx. 1 € = 160 ISK krona and 1 £ Sterling = 180 ISK krona.
The Organizing Committee and e-mails: Helgi Bergsson Chairman,, Thorir Sveinsson Secretary,, Sigurjon H Hjelm,, Gunnar Jónsson,, Hersir Gíslason,, Kristbjörn Rafnsson,
The fishing spots: We will be fishing from the fishing banks near Olafsvik and the Snæfellsness peninsula.
Fishing rules: See below.
Fish to catch: Cod and Coalfish. Other fish do not count for points.
The fishing: All the good size fish must be killed by bleeding. You will be provided with a bucket for your fish. The skipper will bleed the fish, the Crew measure and the Fish captain writes down on the Scorecard. After that put the fish into the common box. If you got a record fish or if it is your personal record you can tag it and bring it in for measuring.
Bait: We will use Blue eye and/or Mackerel.
Teams: It is free of charge to register into teams. Your Secretary will register your Section’s teams in due course.
Tackle shop: There is no tackle shop in Olafsvik. Clothing: It can be cold and windy in May in Iceland. Bring with you your warm cloths and boots.
Travel information to Olafsvik: See below.
Spouse tour: There will be no spouse tour organized by the Organizing Committee. But there are many places near Olafsvik worth visiting.
EFSA uniform: You must wear EFSA uniform at the Prize giving Ceremony and at the Gala dinner.